

MEG Magazine August Issue

These days, I find myself daydreaming… a lot. The desires I have in my heart right now are so many that it keeps me up at night. I keep thinking about the future with wide eyes and great hopes as if I was in front of my grade school teacher asked to recite my essay on “What I Want To Be When I Grow Up”. It’s funny though because I do feel like a kid sometimes—dreaming big, going after the impossible and dismissing every thought of obstacles that a grown up would usually be afraid of. This seems silly and naïve to the world, but the Bible calls this faith, “child-like faith” that is. I have so much boldness because I have a God “who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us” (Ephesians 3:20). In all these years, in whatever circumstances, in every season of my life, He has always shown Himself powerful and capable. So why should I even limit the dreams in my heart? Why would I dream small when it pleases God that I should have complete trust in Him to carry out the desires He has placed in my life? 

Looking back, I can see that every pain and failure in my life has been stepping stones to success. All the tears that I have shed and every heartache that came along with trying, have been well compensated by the flood of blessings that came after. This is very true with my passion for photography. I started out with nothing but my dreams and a host of detractors & discouragements. It was so hard to live down to expectations and just go with the flow, so I decided to swim against it. I refused to listen to critics and heeded to what my heart was yelling instead.

Right now, I look at my life and I’m humbled by how far God has taken me. Slowly, but surely, my dreams are coming true. And the funny thing is, I still keep on dreaming! I personally believe that to expect little in life is a life not worth living. My prayers and hopes for my marriage, the goals that I have for my career, the things I want to achieve for my family, all this I place at Jesus’ feet everyday. I want Him to be glorified in everything. I want every success and breakthrough to show just how amazing my God is. I want the big dreams to reflect the BIG God that I am serving. It truly is an exciting way of living. Greg Anderson once said, “When we are motivated by goals that have deep meaning, by dreams that need completion, by pure love that needs expressing, then we truly live life.” So how about you? Have you let your dreams take the back seat? Are your goals and ambitions limited to what others believe about you? Keep dreaming big! Envision what you want to achieve because the future you see is the kind of future you will get. Put your faith in God and allow Him to fulfill the desires that He has placed in your heart. Use every failure and discouragement that come your way as a jumping board to greater heights. Remember this, God has endowed each of us with certain gifts and talents to be used for His glory and do remarkable things for Him and watch in excitement how He blesses your faith with His favor. So hold your head high and keep dreaming big!

So here's one of those big dreams I have that came to reality! We got featured at MEG Magazine, August Issue. Yay! :) Please grab a copy if you haven't yet.

Make up by: Jocelle Briones
Hair by: Mycke Arcano
Styling by: Rainier Dagala (Meg Magazine Fashion Editor)



Thanks Rinna Leong for sending me this picture. I still can't find a copy here in Iligan yet. So sad.