

Jeffrey + Honey

For a girl, there probably is not a more devastating blow in her life than to have her heart broken by the one she loves the most. It’s an indescribable feeling that torments not only your emotions but messes up every fiber of your being as well. The chest aches almost every second of the day, your mind is clouded and restless, your knees grow weak, your limbs find no motivation to function and loneliness swallows up every hope for living. It really is, as one novelist puts it, an exquisite pain.
Perhaps this was the reason why Honey was so afraid to love again.
She was just like any girl, who became somehow jaded when it comes to love because of a painful past. The thought of having to give her heart to a man again, trusting that he wouldn’t rip it apart and shred it into a million pieces, was too much of a risk to take. She’d come to God in prayer everyday, asking Him to spare her from another heartbreak, “I can’t bear another one Lord, not anymore”. Little did she know that God was already orchestrating a love story for her, so beautiful, that it would make her heart come alive again.
Through a Pastor friend, she was introduced to Jeffrey. He was different from all the others and Honey found the courage to take a risk… again. They started communicating and got to know each other more deeply over time. It was a long distance relationship since Jeffrey was a seaman. But in spite of that, their bond grew stronger.
The very first moment they met, at the airport, they knew right then and there that they found the love they have long been waiting for... All the fears that used to cripple her melted away and the walls that she built started crumbling in his embrace… Jeffrey felt the same way too. There was so much certainty in his heart that this woman standing in front of him was the woman he wants to spend the rest of his life with. And then he went down on one knee and asked her to marry him… on their first meeting!
There was not a hint of doubt in their minds that they were made for each other. Everything that happened in their lives—the good and the bad, paved the way for them to be where they are now and be found by a love that’s on its way to forever. When I asked them why they instantly decided to get married, they simply said, “You know, when you know!” They both loved God and each other deeply, so what was the point of delaying? Why postpone happiness when it’s right there made available for you? True enough, their relationship is filled with laughter, joy and happiness to last them a lifetime. It truly is inspiring to see them together—it’s as if nothing could go wrong.
With Jeffrey, Honey found a man she could finally trust wholeheartedly. With Honey, Jeffrey met a best friend he can bare his soul to. The love they share is a heaven-sent gift that has dramatically changed their lives. Now, the world seems to be such a perfect place and life has found a greater meaning. His eyes make her go weak in the knees, her smile makes his heart skip a beat and when they hold each other’s hands, they feel a sense of courage and boldness to face all the challenges that life has to offer. As long as they’re together, everything will be alright.
The two are obviously hopelessly and madly in love with each other, and this radiates through the photos on their wedding day. Just take a look for yourselves… 

Hair and Make up: Hale Retcie Salcedo Demetrio
Planning and Coordination: Bash Grandeur Weddings and Events
Videography: SMS (Seven Media Studio)
Main Photographers: Stef and Naomi of stefnaomiphotography
Associate Photographer: Carlo Gaid

A little boy went up to her in the bridal car and said.. What's taking you so long? Uncle Jeffrey wants to see you already! Hurry Up!!! Then she got super kilig! :)