

Kazzie + Jam

Styling, planning and coordination: Didi's Day out and Angel Enriquez-Neri
Flowers: Anna Leah Sanson
Hair and Make Up: Jims Oga
Videography: Tibo Martinez Videography

They say first love never dies. And for Jam and Kazzie, that saying have so much truth to it. Learning about the story from one of their closest friend Xtian Bulos seemed like reading a Nicolas Sparks best-seller-- its full of twists and turns, and of course a happy ending sealed by a kiss.  

No matter how much life and circumstances tried to tear them apart, their hearts lead them to where it truly belonged. After all the ups and downs, the obstacles, the years that have passed, Jam and Kazzie found their way to the altar, holding hands and finally making their vows to each other and before God that never again will they be parted. Against all the odds and countless of tears shed, the break-up and the goodbyes, first love never did die...
And just like in a dramatic novel, true love prevailed!