


Demi wore ripped jeans and shorts to our shoot yesterday and she looked stunning in it. But I think more than the style, her outfit pretty much represents her life story. This beautiful woman has been through so much in life and all the heartbreaks she has experienced has lacerated her soul badly--She was ripped apart. But instead of being damaged and irreparable, the brokenness has actually even made her better.

She's one of the very few women I know who has not allowed the terrible things in her life to destroy her hope. Instead, she has used all the roadblocks as jumping boards to become a better and wiser version of herself. Her inner strength is like no other and she is truly such an inspiration. Demi has channeled all her energy and passion to raising her beautiful baby girl. Its amazing how she single-handedly managed to do such a feat. She is a resounding testimony that whatever challenges and heartaches we experience in life, we can come out of it better and stronger.

And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.
(Romans 8:28)

Hair and Make up by: Jims Oga